Tuesday, October 30, 2007


上个星期三,我们school of bioscience举行了一个餐会,地点是在我们学校附近的餐馆。目的呢,是让我们所有bioscience 的学生认识彼此,也认识我们的教授。是很好玩啦,教授和学生都认识了,而且还见识到不一样的一面。哈哈哈哈。

我们有year 2, year 1 and foundation 的学生。我们大二这批学生那天因为做实验所以迟到了,当我们抵达时,老实说,场面很静,还得我们都不敢大声玩耍。哈哈哈。可是呢,可能我们是读最久的,跟老师也比较熟,老实说,我们也比较贪玩啦,所以我们来了之后就就变吵了。嘿嘿嘿!

我们的最可敬的bioscience 负责人, Dr Peter说了欢迎词,介绍了大家之后,就公布了一个好消息:某某大公司AAR(好像)与我们学校合作建立的实验室即将在11月开张,我们倒是都可以参观甚至使用。哇!那是属于我们自己的实验室耶!不高兴和兴奋的人可以去跳海了.... 所以现场都是欢呼声啦! 然后..... 当然是吃东西啦,你们以为我为什么答应去参加哪个聚餐的,还不是为了免费的午餐.... 唉,一个人在外面能省就省呐!哈哈哈哈,开玩笑的啦.... 


Last wednesday, my school of bioscience organized a party at Semenyih tasik club (i think). the aim is to provide a chance to know each others include lecturers, make more friends and eat!! (of course we have free lunch ) hahahaha....

ok. that day actually is quite fun. i met a lot of friends, although some of them i already knew... there were year 2 students which was my group, year 1 and foundation students. hahah.. finally i have juniors... hahaha.. hm.. actually that day i think our group was the noisiest group.. because one of my lectureres like to make jokes with one of my classmates ... somemore we are the senior, stay in school of biosciences longer than others.. and more familiar to the lecturers ... so.. as a result... we created more funs... (i think so)... hahaha

ok of course we took the pictures.. huh? you ask me whether there is any handsome guy and pretty girls?

go and look at the pictures urself !

大合照。有看到我吗? 呐呐.... 最后一排,站得高高的。哇哈哈哈哈哈!
注意:请看右边,有个外国教授,Dr Peter, 他站在第一排,可是差不多与第二排的一样高。而且第二排还站在楼梯上哦!还有,第一排有个穿蓝色衬衫的教授,是来自印度的Dr Asgar.
Everyone takes the photos, say cheers~
can u see me?? nei ~ on the last row.. stand higher than others... wahahahahah...
ya, there is one lecture who wears blue shirt in the 1st row is Dr Asgar. He come from India.

呐~~ 这是非洲来的教授,他最最最风趣了! Dr Festo 是也~ 其他是我的越南coursemate.
Dr Festo, the main entertainment (what Agnez and i call) hahaha ... because he is funny and humorous... hahahah by the way he come from Africa.

这是Dr Chin. 剩下的是我们五个女生。我们班上有5男5女。
Dr Chin and the five girls in our class. we have 5 girls and 5 guys in the class.

Some of the lecturers and the technicians in the lab.

左边是Dr Peter, 呐呐呐~~ 我的tutor .... 嘿嘿! 其他的是可敬的technicians。
Left: my tutor, Dr Peter~~ i introduce him before in my blog ... and the technicians in the lab.

第一排最左边的是Dr Sandy 后面的印度籍教授是 Ms Christina 。上次说的实验室课程就是她负责的。
left hand side of the 1st row is Dr Sandy, last row there is Ms Christina, wearing black shirt.

year 2, year 1 and foundation students 和教授。他们有来自非洲,越南,斯里兰卡,印度。
most of the students and some of the lecturers. students some of them come from Africa, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and India.

i have introduced my lecturers in my previous blogs.. anyone who is interested to know please view my previous blogs..... hehehehe... thanks for supporting ~~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


好好好好好感动~~~我终于可以上网了,应该是说我的学校终于有电了!! 感动-ing~~

事情是这样的,就在23/10 凌晨2点左右,我突然觉得很热,可是明明就下着细雨,睁开眼看看,怎么那么暗,而且凌晨耶~ 天杀的外面超级吵,想要砍人了。我拿起电话,用电话的灯去检查,发现原来是停电!呜呜呜,超想哭。很热睡不着觉耶!

后来躺回去床上,想想,不对耶,会不会只有我的房间停电而已,不然怎么好象没有人投诉,好像没有人知道一样。越想越不对,赶快用信息问人,后来一个朋友说整间学校没有电。哇赛!好有型哦!我的室友这时回来了,她说大部分的人因为没有电,集中在一起,所以很吵。难怪啦!吵闹就算了,不知哪个没有大脑的人居然放烟火耶!搞什么东东! 也不想想是凌晨耶,早上还要上课的哩。后来也不知道怎样睡着了。


好的,认命之后,就乖乖的读书睡觉。后来接近5.30pm 终于... 终于.... 有电了!!! 感动!


oooo..oooo... finally i can online.. er... actually i should say finally nottingham has electricity!! ooo my god... it was a terrible night... around 2 am ... suddenly i woke up because i felt hot. after that, i found out that around was dark and .... noisy! oh dear.. there was a conclusion come to my mind... there is a BLACKOUT!

i confirmed with my friends and they found out that whole university had no electricity, no wonder so many peoples made noise while others were sleeping. In addition someone play with fire crackers. that was really horrible! i could not sleep at all, tomorrow morning 10am i still have the class. gr........rgr.grgrgrg.................

however, until morning something exciting happened. hehehehehhe... my friends sms me that morning classes had been cancelled! hoorey!!! although have to replace the class on the other day, since there is no electricity, no point if we still attend the class right? hahahahaa... nevertheless, after happy for a while, i suddenly found out something which was important. no electricity= cannot online, cannot boil water, cannot take bath with heater, no fan, cannot cook rice, cannot charge my phone battery. what i can do is reading and sleeping !! huh??? oh noooooooooooooooooo.......

okok... haizzz... be a human being, we have to accept everything... haizz ... sob sob.. So, i read and sleep for whole day. However, until 5.30pm...... hahahahhah... hiakhiakhiak.... hehehehehhe...... electricity is back !!! ooo.... muaks muaks ~~

this story tells us we have to save the electricity when we are not using it.... hahahhha...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


想想,进入大二生活快一个月了,本来就打算update的,可是又没什么时间,刚开学很多东西处理,现在,hari raya holiday所以终于有时间写写我的新生活了。嘻嘻嘻!

-很快,在同一年里,我进入大二了。大二生活跟想象中一样..... 难!其实,应该说,课程和学问更复杂,更深奥,更不容易懂,需要更多时间读多一些些科学杂志。不过呢,船到桥头自然直,所以.............. 不用烦啦!

-我们这学期要做的东西蛮多的,其中要以一个顾问的身份建议公司在农业种植方面做改进,如何提高产量等等。还要辩论,present poster,这个部分是最好玩的,我们要从坏掉的水果里选出真菌类,养他,然后找出它的背景,以他为主题作poster。等我完成再post给大家看。有些照片在朋友那边,等拿到了再增加照片。

周围白白的部分就是真菌类。中间是香蕉的皮。已经腐烂的。你能够想象我是如何从腐烂的香蕉拿出sample 吗?臭到半死,我必须憋着呼吸,快手快脚的cut。哇赛!根本就是折磨!我现在开始考虑还要不要吃香蕉了。

-老师还是一样,同学增加了。我有三个越南同学,都是女的,男生们可以高兴,可以给你们看照片,她们都很可爱,很善良,不过好像我常常作弄她们,因为她们太乖了,有时我会开开她们玩笑,不然会很闷的。不过有一个超级活泼,有过动儿的倾向。哈哈哈哈哈!剩下的都是KL人。所以,每到周末,我就一个人,和越南同学。有时会................. 闷~ 哈哈哈

-还有,嘉俊!这个重要的人物,终于来我的学校上business了。太好了!现在有人陪我出去吃饭,买东西,去玩,还有一起回古晋!以前我很可怜的,一个人.... 什么东西都自己来。哎哎哎!还好还好。有个人来陪我了。另外,我的三个越南朋友都认识嘉俊,重点是他们只是一顿饭的时间而已就熟了...晕!然后,从他我认识到很多朋友,可能是新学期,我也自然而然,莫名其妙就认识很多新朋友。哈哈哈!不错啦! 有几个来自古晋的哟~有伴!还有还有,就在前几天,猜我遇到谁?哈哈哈哈!林宓健!大我两届的学长,以前参加圣约翰的呀!记得吗?他来这里读微电子(好像)哈哈哈!不错哩!

-这学期我参加乒乓协会和国际青年商会。其实参加只是单纯为了运动,反正打乒乓我行,就这样。其他团体怕耽误太多时间所以选择乒乓。国际青年商会,纯属意外,当时我和嘉俊不知道要参加什么,后来看到国际青年商会,觉得是讲领导的,也没有很多活动就参加了。后来才知道是世界性的组织,而且还他x的大型. 有点歪打正着的感觉。哈哈哈!



Its almost one month already after i started my 2nd year. My life is still the same, living in hostel with 3 roomates. my course is getting more details, a lot of scientific works have to do and a lot of journals have to read. Start from this semester, i think i will be very very very (* 10 )busy, but i still can write my blog because i know my lovely friends are waiting for me to update my blog and curious to know how my life is going on in Nottingham.

ok, now my class came in 3 vietnamist. they are girls: Diep, Hang and Linh, so boys~ all of you can be happy because i will show you the picture later. They are quite cute and kind. sometimes they are quite, so sometimes it's seems that i always make jokes with them, try to bully them. hahahaha . or else it will be a bit boring. hahahah . nevertheless, there is one girl who is actually hyperactive and always make fun in the class. hahahaha. others are all local KL people. so every weekend they will go back to their lovely home, left me alone ~ oops. nono left me and 3 vietnamists girls. hahaha. besides, my 3 vietnamist friends be friend with "chiajun" or Gabriel already after we have lunch together. "chiajun" is my ex-school mate. he came from kuching as well. they are quite interested in "chiajun". i dont know why. hahaha . sometimes of course we wll go out together to eat and play badminton. but most of the time we chat to each others, sometimes the topics are interesting and funny but sometimes honestly i think very stupid. hahahaha . but actually never mind, i dont mind and feel good as well. hahahaha. everything is fine. hahahaah .

Diep, Hang, Linh and me.

now, i go to the lab all the time because of the module plant pathology. actually is quite fun, and because can do more labwork practice, i have more confidence and feel comfortable in this plant biotechnology. previously most of them are lectures and im not really good in labwork. It seems like i have knowledge but no practical skills. hahaha . but now, i feel better. okok. i will keep it up and appreciate on what i have done. of course appreciate my lecturers spend their time on teaching us.

ok. i still prefer writing in chinese to english. haizzz........ since my friends request me to write it in english, i think i will write both... haizzzzzzzzz..... hahaha...