好好好好好感动~~~我终于可以上网了,应该是说我的学校终于有电了!! 感动-ing~~
事情是这样的,就在23/10 凌晨2点左右,我突然觉得很热,可是明明就下着细雨,睁开眼看看,怎么那么暗,而且凌晨耶~ 天杀的外面超级吵,想要砍人了。我拿起电话,用电话的灯去检查,发现原来是停电!呜呜呜,超想哭。很热睡不着觉耶!
后来躺回去床上,想想,不对耶,会不会只有我的房间停电而已,不然怎么好象没有人投诉,好像没有人知道一样。越想越不对,赶快用信息问人,后来一个朋友说整间学校没有电。哇赛!好有型哦!我的室友这时回来了,她说大部分的人因为没有电,集中在一起,所以很吵。难怪啦!吵闹就算了,不知哪个没有大脑的人居然放烟火耶!搞什么东东! 也不想想是凌晨耶,早上还要上课的哩。后来也不知道怎样睡着了。
好的,认命之后,就乖乖的读书睡觉。后来接近5.30pm 终于... 终于.... 有电了!!! 感动!
oooo..oooo... finally i can online.. er... actually i should say finally nottingham has electricity!! ooo my god... it was a terrible night... around 2 am ... suddenly i woke up because i felt hot. after that, i found out that around was dark and .... noisy! oh dear.. there was a conclusion come to my mind... there is a BLACKOUT!
i confirmed with my friends and they found out that whole university had no electricity, no wonder so many peoples made noise while others were sleeping. In addition someone play with fire crackers. that was really horrible! i could not sleep at all, tomorrow morning 10am i still have the class. gr........rgr.grgrgrg.................
however, until morning something exciting happened. hehehehehhe... my friends sms me that morning classes had been cancelled! hoorey!!! although have to replace the class on the other day, since there is no electricity, no point if we still attend the class right? hahahahaa... nevertheless, after happy for a while, i suddenly found out something which was important. no electricity= cannot online, cannot boil water, cannot take bath with heater, no fan, cannot cook rice, cannot charge my phone battery. what i can do is reading and sleeping !! huh??? oh noooooooooooooooooo.......
okok... haizzz... be a human being, we have to accept everything... haizz ... sob sob.. So, i read and sleep for whole day. However, until 5.30pm...... hahahahhah... hiakhiakhiak.... hehehehehhe...... electricity is back !!! ooo.... muaks muaks ~~
this story tells us we have to save the electricity when we are not using it.... hahahhha...
wuahahahaha...ko lian de hui hui~~ XD
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